Friday, January 30, 2004

sliding again, I love it

just a quick note, slid from Ladies luge start yesterday, two good runs. So today I went off the top, 2 good runs, I was told I had good lines and I didn't hit anything too hard, but I had my head up when I went through corner 15 both times, and the G forces kicked in and my head hit the ice, took a big hit and now have a bit of a black eye, beautiful. As I went up the outrun I was thinking about checking that I didn't have a concussion, and realized i had no idea what the date was or what day of the week it was and that i wouldn't have know before I hit my head either, it is soo easy to loose track of everything when I am in sliding mode, every thing is judged on how many days to the race and how many training runs are left. It has been pretty cold probably around -10, we have been walking to the track every day, it is not too far.

The nasty bug Kelly and I had a few days ago seems to be going through every one here, the schools have been shut because of it! Nasty.

Kel, and Iain had good runs today, Ben is sick and took a day off, we will all be sliding tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 28, 2004

A huge thank you to Tim and Ellen, I really appreciate it, you have made a huge difference :-) thanks.

So, even the locals don't drink the water.

I wish someone had warned us, Kelly and Michella have been doing the bathroom boogie too. The track manager told me that we must not drink the tap water, too late, oh we at least we now know. I didn't slide yesterday or today, was still feeling sick, but Kelly and I caught up with the american team doctor who has given us some good drugs, and I now feel great and cant wait to slide tomorrow. The track here doesnt look half as bad as all the rumers said it would. There were a few crashes yesterday, Tristan Gale from the US lost her sled, and so did a new russian, but otherwise every one got down safe, I have learnt alot from watching for the last two days.

I have been reading alot while I have been on tour, I am half way through Great Expectations, it is surprisingly good, and I can recommend Lance Armstrongs book, and the Life of Pi (mum I think you would enjoy this), I also read the catcher in the rye, but didnt find it so good. Well time to walk back to our pension, ( which is nice, the 4 kiwis, one dane and dutch Peter are sharing a cottage, the Latvian Bob and skeleton association have sorted out a special deal for us, they are subsidising us to be here, and have done a deal so we can get cheap meals, they are wonderful)

Monday, January 26, 2004

And I thought I was sick during the world cup!

Yesterday Kel and i went down and checked out the track, it is an impressive site, the top of the track comes out of a 7 story building, quite intimidating, we are the first people to arrive since every one else is driving and the boys still havent arrived.

Last night was a night mare, my bug I got off the canadians moved to a higher level and i spent all night in the toilet not know if I should sit or stand, it is now 4pm and i still cant eat any thing, and I am taking a bit of a gamble not knowing where the local loos are.

The good thing is that I am a good sick person, I still manage to laugh at my self and everything going on while I am puking my guts up. Infact i put soo much effort into throwing up last night that I have bust the tiny little capillaries around my eyes, looks like I have had an alergic reaction, wonderful.

well must go. quickly.


10.30 pm Sat 24th

Arrived in Riga, I am most impressed with the airport, infact the airports in sweden, Norway and Latvia are... beautiful!

It cracks me up to think about having all the World Cup athletes arrive at the dunedin airport with the cows accross the fence...( that is for when we have our own track in cent4al otago!... dreams are free but tracks are 50 million euro)

All our luggage came out with in a minute of arriving at the belt and there where 4 friendly latvian sliders waiting to pick up up! Dianies Dukurs, the Sigulda track manager arranged for them to come out and get us. Once in Sigulda Kel and I went to a local pizzeria and scoffed a pizza and coffee each , you wont believe how cheap the food was, a big pizza and a coffee for 2.70 lats that is $NZ8.10! I love latvia.

Saturdays post...World Cup #3 Lillihammer, 19th place

I am currently writing this in Sweden. The stamp in my passport sais Arlanda. I guess that must be the name of this airport I am waiting in transit at. I will enter this into my blog when I am in Latvia (we , Kelly and I, arrive in Riga tonihgt and hope to be collected by a local athlete and taken to Sigulda).

More importantly you all want to know how the race went. It was a good race, I finished 18th in both runs and ranked 19th over all. I didn't have a personal best push or down time on race day which made it a kind of strange anti climax after being heree for 2 weeks. I got a personal best on the first day of official training ( last monday) which was a 57.70is, and my race times werer 58.30ish. I did a 5.69 push in training and a 5.70 on race day. It sucks not geting a PB on race day. But dont get me wrong I am not all down about the race. In fact it was one of the first races wehre a good group of athletes above and below me with very simalar times. if I had gone 15 hundredths of a second faster on both runs I could have picked up 3 spots, and if I hade gone 5 hundreths of a second slower on both runs I would have lost a spot. I finds this very promishing and encouraging. Usually there is a huge jump to the next person ahead of me so the gap is closing a little. Anthert positive thing from the weeks is that 2 athletes ahead of me and 1 behind me in the race ranking make up the whole itlallian team and this year the Itallians must be spending a fortune on coaching ( in preparation for the 2006 winter olympcs) they had 3 coaches with them this week, and 4 or 5 in Konigsee before chrismas so yeah with no coaching and no money and no car I was doing just as well. :-)

I really like the track in Lillihammer ( it is actually in Oyer, I never event went to Lillihammer) It was like a new track for me even though I have been here back in 2001, I really didn't remember anthing about the track from that trip other than it gave liz the biggest swollen forehead I have ever seen and we nearly missed our vus and flight to canada because we werer at the hospital getting her checked out. So I didn\t have any kind of notes or prior knowledge on how to drive the track. I tell you that was very frustrating for the first 5 days, it took me a while to figure out which way the next corner went and how many oscilations or waves was in it, let alone figuring out how to drive it or even go fast. God it would be ice to have a coach.

One thing that has really sucked this week is that every thing costs soooo much here. Kelly and I would have not survived if we had not braught our food from liverpool and you know it is amazing how different the same meal can taste each night, our 5 olives each were life savours to our tastebuds, little packages of yumminess. And I cant rate porrage hight enough, it really gives you plenty of go for a day at the track.

I just have to interrupt this blog entry, I am actually writing this in my diary and willl put it on lime tomorrow but we just boared our plane to Riga, like a lot of our european flihgts we all got onto a bus and drove from the terminal to a far off corner of the airport and got onto a tiny little "Fokker 50" (he he he) Scandanavian air lines plane, it is like a skinny pencil. Looks like we are going to Buss our way to Latvia.

Back to Norway... another frustrating thing was not having acess to a phone, which means that I havent been able to call home in 2 weeks, I really cant wait to talk to mark tomorrow.

Thye Canadian team showed up in Norway infected with the Lugie, and I spoke too soon saying that I had been healthy all season and was full of energy. The bloody crook canucks spead their bugs alll around the start hous ( which is not usually the most hygenice place at the best of times), and I got sick.

So Rack day morning I woke up feeling like absolute shit with a paiful raw trhoat and permanaently dripping nose. WE got droped a the track an hour too early and had to hang around before wwe could do our track walk ( "hurry up and wait" is a common theme in our skeleton world, we are constantly rushing to get somewhere on time then hanging around for a couple of hours before we can do anything.) Half way through my track walk I was feeling soo crook (dry reaching) that I nearly stopped and headed back to the top, I am glad I didn't ( thanks to kel)because I had managed to get my head into "race mode" and out of "poor me I feel sick on world cup day" mode by the time I reached the bottom.

The atmosphere was unlike any other WC because the men were racing on the next day (friday) ( Eurosport are always messing with our race times and order) Which meant that we had the start house all to ourselves which was good but we sort of missed all the men running around in lycra!

All week in traiing I had been loosing a lot of time and positions in the last few corners but on race day I got my co-ordination back ( I had a few shoulder/knww left/right up/down steering issues ealier in the week but I did a bit of that brain gym stuff that my mum taught me back in highschool and got back on track) and \I finally made my body do what I wanted it to do and picked up 2 spots in both runs on those troublesome bottom corners.

Ben had a good first run and finished 19th but he dropped 6 places in his second run ( which would really suck)and he finished 24thoverall. Iain Robert our new kiwi athlete is fling he is the only kiwi that go a pb on race day and totally enjoyed his first world cup race.

We usually party after the race but since all the boys were busy preparing for their race the following day we got the rare opportunity for an earlyish night and a sleep in.

Last night- Friday, after the mens race was the party night. Snorre (Norweigan athlete) had managed to get a special cheap price at the local bar, the beer was only $ND9 each, hence kel and I left our wallets at home.

The party was a good laugh, with all sorts of shinanagans, some were even playing strip poker!. IT was a good end to a couple of long weeks sliding in Norway. I am looking forward to going back I know I can pick up a lot of time on the track and I need to collect that pb i missed out on on race day.

Kel, Michella ( Denmark) and I only got a couple of hous of sleep before we had to start loading the van with our gear for the 3 hour trip to Gardermon Airport Oslo, the trip was cramped with 4 across the back seat but we all slept.

Well was are about to land in Riga, Latvia, I have been on of those horrible travellers who keep sneezing and sniffling and spreading my germs around the plane this trip. I am glad I got some echanacia herbal teal from home before I left and the berrocas have been keepin gme going too.

I really wish I had a lap top, then I wouldn't have to spent lots of time ( and money) typing this out tomorrow and we could watch dvds and play games when we are bored oh yeah and worl out graphs of our splits and time from training, whcih would be the really good....I guess that would be a little more antisocial thatn playing cards, but then agian I dont think we would want to play cards with the austrians or brits!

Wednesday, January 21, 2004

Kellys email to Trevor Mallard

New Zealand skeleton athlete View Full Header
View Printable Version
From: Kelly Moffat
Date: Sat, January 17, 2004 7:47 am
To: "Dave Adams" , (more)
Priority: Normal

Dear Mr. Mallard,

I am writing to you again concerning my sport of skeleton and the criteria to which
I may be eligible for funding from the government.
I expressed in my last email, that was unanswered, how little money I have and it is
not looking like I will be able to complete the season. My teammate and I are living
on food that is not adequate for the average person, let alone an international
athlete because of our lack of money.

We have been pitied by some of the larger nations who have offered to help us out
where they can because they see our desperate state. This doesn't mean money, but
support which is something we don't seem to be getting from our own country. Is this
the way you want to portray New Zealand's Olympic hopefuls?

Mr. Mallard, all I'm asking for is some sort of guidelines to enable us to set a
goal for ourselves. We met the criteria for funding last year but were not granted
it. We've done it ourselves up to now but World Championships seems very far off,
even though we will qualify, because we will not be able to pay for food or
accommodation while there.

I realise you are a busy man, but I am a desperate Kiwi athlete asking for some help
to achieve my lifelong goal of making it to the Winter Olympics, respesenting my
country, New Zealand.

Thank you for your time.


Kelly Moffat
New Zealand Skeleton Team

Last day of training.

Hey Guys

I have just snuck on to the computer here at the library, sliding today was good and bad, first run was a shocker, but my last run was much better, a good way to finish official training. The race is tomorrow morning at 10am, we are going to be on Euro sport so watch out for us. Bens sled broke today, but i think he has been able to get the local roadworks maintainance shop to fix it, hopefully it works for him tomorrow. This is a frustrating track it is very easy to loose alot of time, just one thing wrong at the bottom to the track and you can loose over half a second. Tomorow will be good though, I will put all the good bits together and get two fast runs.

send speedy thoughts our way...

Saturday, January 17, 2004

Rest Day

I took a rest day today, since i have done 14 runs in the last 5 days, and I will be sliding for the next 5 days. I still went upto the track, I have been loosing alot of time in the botom half of the track, over a second in fact. So I went to watch others lines hoping i could figure out what I need to be doing, this is where a coach would come in real handy, still my times in the top half of the track have been pretty good, so I have the next 8 runs to fix the bottom half. Today it was soooooo cold at the track perhaps -20ish, and with a slight wind that cut through you, the ice is real cold so i will be sharpening my runners tonight. Kel and I are surviving well on our big box of groceries we got from ASDA in the UK, and some how our nightly meal of tined tomatoes, puree, garlic, onion, pasta kidney bean and sweet chillie sauce has managed to taste different every night, I am getting alittle tired of porrage every morning but it is a hell of a lot better than smelly german cheese, meat and rock hard bread. It is amazing how much more energy I have had over the past couple of weeks, if you remeber I was constantly tired leading upto christmas, I even didnt race in that americas cup race because I was tired. It is strange but I am just feeling real good. I have lost just over 5kg since I left NZ, that is a bit up on this time last year, but I dont expect to loose much more, since we only have 2 weeks of Latvian food, then we will be self catering, which we will do pretty cheaply.

Tomorrow is the last day of paid training, then the world cup official training starts for 3 days, then the World Cup race, I am looking forward to it. But it is forcast to dump a meter of snow on Tuesday, which will cause havoc, considering the americans couldn't even get their cars up the hill today.

There is a Telemark world cup being held here at the moment, and there are no Kiwis competing, we were chatting to a couple of american telemark racers and they said that if there is any kiwis interested in racing they should look up the telemark race site on the internet, that could be a bit of fun for you ben.

Well must go, I want to head upto the track to watch the second group of training (we are first group) and need to get out to the road to hopefully flag down some athletes and catch a ride up, it sucks not having a car but we are surviving.

I will probably write again on monday, lou.

oh yeah check out the photos of me and kel at the altenberg brit champs, at this site, sorry I cant seem to put a link in at the moment, just cut and paste, you will need to go to the skeleton page and then the top one is the brits, I have a black helmet with a silver fern on it, there are a couple of great photos, and some of Kel and I standing around chatting. There are also photos of us on the site training in Konigsee, have a good look through them.

must go, miss you all.

Friday, January 16, 2004

The world cup atmosphere arrives

Well I took 4 runs yesterday! (I am not going to calculate that in to kiwi money... it will just make me cry... more than a weeks student allowance). Two in the morning and two in the evening, it was real good, there where only about 10 of us in the morning session and 4 in the evening, i like training in small groups, you get to go about 5 minutes after you get back upto the top. I had pb`s all 4 runs, and no new bruises. but Ben and I didn't have any way of getting home after the evening session so we had to leave our sleds at the track and walk, it only took about an hour and twenty minutes. This morning, alot of other nations arrived, we slid with Cananda, Switzerland, Norway, Czech, Holland, Russia, Latvia, which meant about 40 minutes between runs. Again i had good runs, but i am loosing time int he bottom of the track, about a second on a couple of other sliders.

well must go i have run out of time here at the library, will tell you all more next time.


Wednesday, January 14, 2004

In Norway

Well we finally got here, with not too much difficulty. we caught a bus from oslo upto Øyer just out of Lillihammer where the track is, a friend of Desiree (local athlete) picked us up and took us to our cabin. We are sharing with Ben and Peter and the two Czech guys, Martin and Joseph, Ben had our food in the car he drove from Altenberg so kel and i were surviving for two days on protein bars and meal replacements.

Kels birthday dinner was redwine and porrage when we arrived at the cabins, it was surprisingly good after ODing on protein bars.

We slid this morning, only the Russians, Norweigans the brits and us are here so far, i think everyone else is driving up form germany right now.

My runs today were good, any th track is quite friendly, any thing seems nice after being at altenberg.

Oh yeah, I forgot to say, during our last night in the castle in nurnberg we watched that most awesome thunder and lightening storm while hanging out our little castle window on the 5 floor, it was real impressive.

well must go,

I'll keep you all posted.


Monday, January 12, 2004

A half second Personal Best Down Time!

We raced in the the Brittish Champs yesterday morning at 9am, and my first run was awesome, i finally got corners 1 2 3 clean with out any hits, I think that is the key to my pb, I took half a second off my time I had here at the world cup final last season when I finished 14th, I did a 103.37 (I think), Kel also got a personal best and Ben too, Both Ben and I won the guest classes, and we got gold rimmed ashtrays/award to remember the event.

It is kellys birthday today, so can everyone who is reading this please send her a quick birthday email to . Today will be a pretty poor birthday because we will be travelling all day we fly out of Nurnberg airport at 11 and arrive in Oslo at 3, catch a bus to lillihammer at 4.15 wich takes about 3 to 4 hours then we have to find transport (a cab?) to a cabin that has been arranged for us, but we dont actually have the address to the cabin, hmmm.

Ben and Peter (dutch) are catching a minivan to lillihammer, it will take about 15 hours driving and a boat trip that could take upto 20hours (depending on which ferry they get). I hope they dont take too long because kelly and i will be using the same minivan for transport once we get there.

We have a new kiwi athlete, Ian was a novice at the British champs, but his dad is a kiwi and he has dual nationality, we have convinced him that he would have a lot more fun sliding as a kiwi, and he is coming with ben to the Lillihammer world cup adn the sigulda world cup, (Russ is coming over from Canada to do the Altenberg World Cup and the Junior World Champs). Ben is trying to get hold of Don to get a licence sent over for him. There will be 6 kiwis with world rankings at the end of this season.


I am running out, any one got any ideas, I need about $2000 more to survive, Kelly needs about $3000, When kelly runs out she will probable come home, when i run out I will get into debt and finishe the season but it means that I wont be able to go to university when I get home because I will have to try clear the debt. Help. Any ideas!!!!!! Please.


Friday, January 09, 2004

Altenberg British Champs

Well we are in Altenberg right now staying at the youth hostel which is commonly known as the sports prison, it is the old border guards camp (we are only about 20min to the Czech border), pretty run down and all, the walls are paper thin and the heating gets turned off during the day, and the food is terrible as well, we all love it here.

Kel and I started our new year in the Lake District in Cumbria, we has a lovely meal with mz boyfriends parents and grandparents, played a few games and finished off a bottle of baileys, it snowed all night and the hills were beautiful in the morning. We all went out walking on the fells on new years day. We went to see a pantomime on the 2nd, it was sleepign beauty, it is a bit of an english tradition to go and see a pantomime around christmas, it was really well done. on the 3rd we headed back to my grandmothers in Liverpool.

On the 4th we left Manchester and flew to Nurenburg Germany, we got there safely however our sleds didn't, it is one of our worst nightmares, having your sled get lost somewehre, they couldn't even tell us where they where or it they had made it onto the flight in Manchester! we arrived at 5pm and the next flight from frankfurt was due in at 9.45, Lufthansa assured us that they should be on the next flight, they could have couriered them to us in Altenberg but there was not much use leaving with out our sleds, so we decided to staz the night in the youth hostel in Nurnberg, apparently our sleds would be couriered to us before midnight. So now with out our sleds we went to trz and get a car, we had booked one with Budget a few days earlier but we are both under 25 and on the website it said that we couldn't get a car, so i just hoped there was some waz we could make it work. The guy at the counter never questioned my age and prceeded with the booking but then he mentioned that the car they had set aside for me has summer tyres, (and there was a blizard out side) so he offered us a really nice big audi with winter tyres for onlz about 40 euro more so we went with that, he still didnt mention my age, we asked if it cost extra for a 2nd driver, it did, then we tryed to convincehim that Kelly and I were a Lesbian couple in a defacto relationship and since partners can drive a car for no extra cost Kellz should be added as my partner, unfortunately the guz at the counter turned out to be gay himself and didn't believe us (and we weren't going to try and proove it!), then once everzthing was done he said oh no, your too young for this car. SHIT. So now I went and asked all the people at all the different desks if they had a car with winter tyres that I could drive, we did find one for about 50 euro more than the Audi, but when i went back to the budget guy he thought he might be able to help us and found another nice little audi we could take. What a mission. And they didn't feed us on the flight. So off we went to find the youth hostel in Nurnburg, and we promptly got lost. Nurnburg is an beautiful old city with lots of castles in the city center, but it was flattened during the war, so there alot of new sections to the castles and city walls. We eventually foudn the Youth Hostel, it was the biggest of all the castles that over look the whole city, it was awesome. Our sleds didn't arrive and in the mornign they said that they woudl be on the 9am flight, and we would have them by 10am, but no sleds arrived, they then said 12 noon, so we went and had a look around the town, I think it was prettier than Innsbruck in some ways, with all its street stalls and vege markets, any way our sleds still didnt arrive and they said definately by 3pm, at three I called and they has one sled and didnt know where the other one had got to! We were sick of waiting and decided to get the one and go and have them send the other when it arrived, When we got to the airport both our sleds where there, the second one had just arrived but with out any tags! how it made it to nurnburg we dont know.

So on the road, it took 4 or 5 hour to get to Altenberg, and we arrived at about 8.30pm.
There are about 15 other sliders staying with us here at the youth hostel, brits, irish, dutch and czechs. We slid on Tuesday evening, we decided to do a run from the ladies luge start, that is about 1/3 of the way down the track, Altenberg can be a really dangerous track and I figure that if we made it a peace offering and showed it a little bit of respect by doing a run from ladies luge start then it would be nice to us for the rest of the week.

That first run was a shock to the system, high G's and lots of rough exits of corners, the next run from the top was the same but faster, God I love this track, it really is my favourite, it is real challenging and you know that if you mess up you could end up in hospital, it makes you really appreciate each run, the emotions you go through in the the minute before then during and after the run cover the whole spectrum. You can experience real fear when your standing at the top about to do a run here, and then total elation at the end, that makes you just want to get back to the top again, but once your back up there your desperate to go to the loo and feel like your going to puke in your helmet, lovely.

Any way, today I had some real good times on the track , I got a 103.91, which is only one tenth of a hundreth of my pb I did here at the World Cup final last year, but the run was pretty terrible, which meens I have a lot of room to improve. My second run was pretty poor, and i flipped out of corner four ( which is a funny crash becuase it doesnt hurt but seriously pisses you off for the rest of the run), and looped corner 17 and hit the wall on the finish and had an instant swollen hand, it really looks quite bad, my little finger and hand are all swollen and sore, but nothing is broken.

Well must go, We are here for the brittish champs, I think this will be my first gold medal!(in the guest class) Then on Sundaz we head for norway the library wont be open so I will try to write again then.

Love to every one at home, sorry I havent been able to email lately, thanks for all your emails, I love getting them.

Take care

Lou xxxx