What a journey, after leaving before the prize giving (I hate doing that) so we had time to pack and drive with the American team the 5 hour trip to Munich that night, we got to the airport hotel at 11pm, check in for our flight was 7.3oam. Our first flight was to Frankfurt, but the flight was delayed on the run way, and we missed the connecting flight to Toronto, I was given the option of spending the night in Frankfurt airport and flying the next day or flying to Washington DC and then onto Toronto that night, arriving at midnight and catching a 7am flight onto Calgary getting there 12 hours later than planned, but still making it there in time for training that night, it sounded like it would work. But it continued to go wrong in Washington when our luggage did not arrive (in the US you have to clear customs with your luggage even if you are only in transit). I headed onto Toronto with out my precious sled or bags, I arrived to find one of my bags (the least important- one full of dirty clothing) had arrived, with the zip broken, and clothing falling out out over the conveyor belt. Wonderful, I was ready to cry, just too tired to deal with it. Inside I found a note from the US customs explaining that in the interest of homeland security they had to bust into my suspicious looking bag, breaking the zip in the process, to ensure my safety and those on the flight with me and that they were grateful for my understanding that they were not liable for any damage they caused. Bastards. They couldn't even put the bag in a plastic bag or try to tape up the zipper. I went through customs in Canada and went to put the now duck-taped up bag on the transfer belt, only to be told that the check in label had been changed and it was no longer checked right through to Calgary and I had to lug the bag around with me for the next 6 hours (This is now about 35 hours after I left St Moritz), not only that but I had no Canadian coins so couldn't get a stupid trolley, and couldn't take the one from customs onto the transfer bus (all kiwis should cherish the fact our trolleys are still free back home). Any way, having found my check in desk five hours early I found the area where all sleep deprived travelers, who are unable or unwilling to pay the huge amounts for airport hotels curl up in hilarious balancing acts ontop of combinations of benches, trolleys and luggage, while never letting go of any bag (there is one of these areas in every airport). I actually managed to get two one hour snoozes in. So finally I checked in and went through to the departure gate and waited, and waited, and waited we boarded late, and then waited another hour while some hydraulics where fixed. Then we were all told that there was another mechanical problem and that we all needed to disembark and head for another gate far far away. So off we all went, just to arrive at the far away gate and be informed that we were to return to the original plane and reboard. AAAAHHHHHHHHHHH. I have never been so tired in my entire life.
Finally I got to Calgary at midday, I was relieved to see Peter there to collect me. I found out that my sled and bag where still in Frankfurt. The sled arrived late last night, and I have missed 2 training days on the track here, if there is a direct flight from Munich to Calgary (surely there is) it would only take about 11 hours. What a crazy trip.
Since today is a Monday, the track is closed (all tracks close on Mondays) So I have training available on Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday then I fly off to Lake Placid to meet up with Kelly (Kel flew from Washington DC to Lake Placid) for the World Cup Final.
The trip did however give me a forced rest from sliding and let me catch up on lots of sleep in the last two days, ready for the next two, most important races of the season.
My number here at peters is +1 403 249 1313 if any one wants to call.
Check out my current world rankings and results, see the Eurosport or Speed Channel broadcast schedule.