Saturday, November 19, 2005
Race day with my new Speedo skeleton suit
Check out my current world rankings and results, see the Eurosport or Speed Channel broadcast schedule.
A day of Harry Potter
I ate something a bit dodgy the night before the race and all yesterday afternoon, last night and this morning I have been a bit queezy and crook, I am so glad I didnt feel like this during the race. I might have to catch a cab to the supermarket and get some fresh fruit, all the food here in the restarants are so greasy and ick. But now I am going to be adventurous (or perhaps foolish) and venture away from the bathroom to see Harry Potter, I hope it is as good as the book.
Visit the Snow Farm, my major sponsor.
Check out my current world rankings and results, see the Eurosport or Speed Channel broadcast schedule.
Friday, November 18, 2005
Lake Placid World Cup
Today I raced in the 2nd world cup of the season here in Lake Placid
In the first heat this morning I finished 16th out of 29, today was the first day this season that I have been on real cold ice and I was skidding a lot in the straights, and I had been getting corner 3 perfect every run but today I hit the exit hard and lost lots of time. I also made a big mistake in corner 10, so I was pretty sure that I would be able to improve on the 16th placed run for the second heat. I fixed some of those mistakes and was two tenths ahead going into the last section of the track in the second heat, but lost time in the bottom of the track and finished 18th. My overall placing was 19th, with a 58.50 and a 58.62, it is a better result than last week, but I know I am capable of much more. The race was very close with in the Kiwi camp with Tionette finishing 20th (58.55, 59.08) and Kelly finishing 21st (58.77), it will be good to see all three of us in the top 20 in the next race. My world ranking is 22nd (26 points), Kelly is at 25th (19 points) and Tionette is at 27th (17 points).
Our overall nation ranking is still 10th but today we beat
The men’s race was yesterday and it was very exciting, it was snowing heavily, which should not have been a problem here as they have built roofs over most of the track, however the roof covering the start was removed so that Eurosport could get a good shot of us diving onto our sleds. The people sweeping the start trying to keep the snow out of the track where inconsistent with their sweeping and some athletes had a cleaner and faster track than others. At least 6 protests were filed and at the end of the first heat a team captains meeting was called, the heat was cancelled and the race was started again with only one run being held and it was made sure that the track had the same amount of sweeping and cleaning before each athletes run, and in the end a fair race was held.
Ben Sandford finished 14th and Iain finished 31st, which for Iain was a great improvement on his finishes he had last season. The men’s team is also ranked 10th in the Nation standings.
Ben has already flown out to Switzerland to have his sled worked on by the builder, the rest of us head to Europe on Monday for the international training week on the Olympic track in Cesana Italy, after that we move onto Igls in Austria where the 3rd World cup of the season will be held.
Check out my current world rankings and results, see the Eurosport or Speed Channel broadcast schedule.
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
My first run was fantastic I finished 11th and pushed close to my personal best, at one stage during the run i was in 9th. I should have left it at that, it had been my plan to take only the one run today with the ice conditions so poor, but my good result egged me on to try and do even better and in the second run i steered too much for the conditions and I finished 19th, but it was a very good run, i just cut too much ice for slow soft conditions.
So that is all the training over, tomorrow the guys race at 9am local time, and we race the following day. I just got my race bib and sticker, I drew 18th, not a very good draw but it will have to do, Kelly got 11th (very nice) and tionette got 21st (very good, top number in the 3rd draw). Our race bibs are sooooo huge, as big as a baggy tshirt, so i have had to sew the seams in so that it fits snugly and wont flap as I slide.
Kelly Peter and I went to collect our speedo speed suits that were being made especially to order for us, but when we got the the hotell where the speedo crew are staying i found out that they had lost my measurments and did not have one for me :( Kelly got a great black suit with hood, thumb loop and booties, real nice, they are going to send me two over to Itally next week, and for the race on friday i have a spare one that was made for the americans, no hood and the zip is at the back rather than the front but it fits good, and will be better than the ones that I have.
Visit the Snow Farm, my major sponsor.
Check out my current world rankings and results, see the Eurosport or Speed Channel broadcast schedule.
Sunday, November 13, 2005
sliding fast again
So today was the first day of official training, my ribs were feeling good and breathing is perfect, the 3 days with no training was exactly what I needed. As usualy Kelly Peter and I were the first there at the track, we get there early so we can do a track walk and not be rushed to get through our warm up. I was a bit nervous about not wearing the chest brace, but i dont want to go slow here and i want to feel my sled, i'll put it back on if I really need too. Run one was a personal best push time of 5.81 and a new best down time for me as well, 58.38. So happy. My ribs were a bit sore, but nothing like they were last week. Yay, got my groove back and my lungs back and my ribs seem to be staying where they are meant to be.
Visit the Snow Farm, my major sponsor.
Check out my current world rankings and results, see the Eurosport or Speed Channel broadcast schedule.
Saturday, November 12, 2005
calgary photos

Check out my current world rankings and results, see the Eurosport or Speed Channel broadcast schedule.
Wednesday and Thursday the first world cup of the season was held at Canada Olympic Park. A Chinook was rolling in over the mountains, which meant that the days were warming up, we had a high of 11 degrees and the ice temperature was a very warm 0 degrees at the start of the race.
I had a very challenging week, when I first arrived the out run (the section of the track after the finish eye) was so bumpy that we were bouncing in our sleds the whole way up the ramp. This rattled me to the bones and knocked my ribs out of place, the same ones I knocked out during my crash in Lake Placid a few weeks ago, so I have been seeing a chiropractor daily having them put back where they should be before the next training session where I was knocking them out again.
The day before official training began I was particularly sore after one run and found it hard to breath, obviously I did not get my second run in, but over night it settled down and I thought I was ready for day one of official training. But after the first official training run (one of six) I had big breathing issues, and had to lie on the floor to breath, I was in a lot of pain, and unable to do the second run. Jeff Pain, the top Canadian slider offered to help me build a rib brace, he had built one for himself last season after breaking ribs in a crash in Sigulda Latvia. So with a solid molded plastic rib brace made and another trip to the chiropractor I was ready for the second day of official training, but my breathing was still difficult, it feels like I just cant get a full breath in. The brace worked but it was very hard to relax and be heavy and still on the sled when wearing it. My coach tells me that my head and shoulders have been way to high, which is not an issue I usually have, but I managed to complete day two with out ending up lying on the floor of the start house in pain and trying to breath.
So I had my 3 safe training descents which meant I was qualified to race, and there was one more day of training. My times had all been so slow; I was 2 seconds slower than my personal best time at this track and trailing at the back of the field. When I saw my chiropractor to get the ribs manipulated back in (I spent 14 days with them out of place after my crash in Lake Placid so they were popping back out with every run, three at the back one at the front, ouch) he told me he was positive I had broken a rib, which didn’t help my focus and relax. The last day of training I slid a bit faster, I have not had issues with any corners, and have not been skidding, but I have been going slow, it is just real hard to relax and be peaceful on the sled when you have a plastic corset and busted sore ribs and it is painful to take deep breaths. Being relaxed and comfortable on the sled is the key to a fast time. So on race day I finished 24th out of 30 with a time of 60.03, more than a second behind my Personal best time here. I am disappointed with the result, but really I know that I am lucky to have been able to slide at all this week, and I can thank Jeff Pain for making it possible by building me the brace. Every race counts towards Olympic selection, this poor result just means I will have to step it up in the next races. Kelly Moffat finished 26th with a personal best time of 60.19, and
The star of the Kiwi team this race was Ben Sandford who improved on his great World Champs result here last year and finished 8th overall, Russell Ward finished 36th, giving the men’s team a nation ranking of 9th.
Yesterday Kelly and I traveled to Lake Placid
I feel like I have unfinished business in Calgary, after I crashed here during the world champs last season and then had this challenging week of injuries and slow times, I look forward to coming back here injury free and plastic corset free and claiming a new personal best down time, but it will have to be next season.
But now it is all about Lake Placid and my last run there a few weeks ago was new record for me, so that will be a good time to improve from, and the good news is that Lake Placid has not got any hard left hand hits, so my ribs wont get such a battering as they did in Calgary. I am off to the track in an hour to get some sliding in, official training begins tomorrow.
Visit the Snow Farm, my major sponsor.
Check out my current world rankings and results, see the Eurosport or Speed Channel broadcast schedule.
Sunday, November 06, 2005
Check out my current world rankings and results, see the Eurosport or Speed Channel broadcast schedule.