My first 12 weeks back in NZ were spent recovering from the injuries/illness I picked up on tour and sitting my 6 commercial pilots licence exams.
I knew that in order to get the amount of study required done I had to find a way to keep my head in the books every single day. I also needed to pay off my two credit cards that where fuller than they had ever been. Amazingly I found a way to do all of it! A free bed at my dads helped and after a short break to get healthy and fit, I started working 12 hour days, two jobs one at the reception at Tekapo Helicopters, and in the evenings a Kohan restaurant in Tekapo, the best Japanese restaurant in the country! With it being the quiet time of the year there was plenty of time for me to study for my exams while waiting for a keen tourist to walk in the door looking for a heli flight. Some how I also managed to find a way to get to Timaru 3 times a week to train at the gym and athletics track there too. After 7 weeks of way too much work, and way way to much study, and lots of yummy authentic Japanese dinners after work, I had done all my exams, and could start focusing on training.
My focus switched back to training and I started googling for ‘training tools dislocated shoulders’ as I knew that with all these rugby players that bust their shoulders there must be some kind of aids that would help me regain my strength in the gym with out pushing my shoulders past their limits…and I found the right site, makers of the front squat harness. Finally 2 years after I stupidly agreed to get on a trampoline for a ‘core conditioning session’ that became a ‘lets dislocate shoulders and screw up the next two years’ session, I was able to train properly and squat. The front squat harness is wicked and I recommend it to anyone who has suffered from dislocations, subluxations, or shoulder instability and finds it difficult or impossible to do back squats and front squats. Go the front squat harness!